Scientific research directions

Scientific research works and achievements of the Institute are aimed at solving the most important problems, as well as introducing the results obtained into the production and educational process. They are divided into 7 main areas:

1. Sustainable water resources management in global climate change condition, use of water saving technologies, development of scientific foundations of improvement of the ecological and meliorative state of irrigated lands;

2. Improvement of the construction of hydraulic structures, calculation, design and maintenance of the foundations of security;

3. Technologies of implementation of irrigation and drainage works, modernization, increasing the efficiency of operation, repair and restoration of the resource of machinery and process equipment;

4. Development of scientific-practical solutions of resource saving technologies and technical means of agriculture;

5. Problems of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in agriculture and water resources;

6. Development of the basis for improving the organization of effective use of land resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

7. Development of organizational and economic bases for the use water resources in irrigated agriculture.