Electronic book fairs

Electronic exhibition dedicated to the birthday of the famous writer and experienced translator Mirzakalon Ilmoili

(1908 - 1986)

Life and work of 

Mirzakalon Ismaili


The famous writer and talented translator Mirzakalon Ismaili was born on October 15, 1908 in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. After the October revolution he was brought up in an orphanage. He came to Tashkent and studied at a school for boys. In 1928-1930 he studied at the Eastern Department of the Central Asian State University. After graduation, he taught students at the same university. He worked in the editorial offices of the Tashkent film studio, the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, the Red Star of Uzbekistan, the Eastern Star and the Uzbek state publishing house. He was a famous translator of Russian literature. More than 200 works of M. Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, M. Gorky and M. Sholokhov, including works of world literature, have been translated. His translations made a great contribution to the development of the Uzbek language. His play written in 1927 "March 8" depicts the struggle of Uzbek women for freedom. He served in the army from 1942 to 1947 and took an active part in the fight against fascism. In the trilogy “Fergana until dawn” (1958, 1967), created in the postwar years, the author describes the difficulties and lives of Uzbek workers on the eve of the October Revolution. The novel, with its ideological and artistic features, made a significant contribution to the development of Uzbek prose of the 60s. Ethics of youth in the works of Mirzakalon Ismaili in “Our novel” (1962), “The beauty of man” (1969) and “History of mankind” (1972), “Book for girls” (1980), “See you” (1986) questions peace and mutual respect in the family.