Giyaz Usmanovich, associate professor of "Hydrology and Hydrogeology" is 80.

Giyaz Usmanovich, associate professor of "Hydrology and Hydrogeology" has turned 80 years old. On behalf of the rector of the institute, vice-rector for youth affairs R. Choriev, dean of the faculty "Hydromelioration" A. Fatkhulloev, chairman of the "Advisory Board on Women's Affairs" Z. Ismailova, chairman of the trade union F. Irisov and the team of the department "Hydrology and Hydrogeology" congratulated him. We sincerely congratulate Giyaz Usmanovich on his birthday. Your service to the people, devotion to your profession, dedication, honesty are appreciated by the staff of the institute. We wish the teacher a long life, happiness for his family and relatives, friends, and good health, and success in all endeavors.

Press service of TIIAME