Contest fpr Mobile Apps

The Republican Mobile Applications Contest has been the subject of an exciting and demanding field of education for all those young people who are studying in this field.

The first stage of the mobile application competition "Tomchi" was held in February of this year, and the ceremony of awarding the winners of the second stage of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers was held today. For students and participants, coffee breaks were organized and distributed with delicious sweets and meals for up to 300 people. The event was opened by the  Dean of the faculty "Hydromelioration" A.Fatkulov  . The winners of the 2nd stage of the mobile application contest "Tomchi" were awarded. Welcoming the enthusiastic students, the staff and organizators congratulated students and participants.

All 16 participants from Bukhara branch of our Institute and our institute were awarded with a smartphone as a valuable prize. Once again, we congratulate the winning students and their parents. Good luck in further study and work. 

Report by a leader of the Youth Department

R.Jumaniyozov, the press secretary of the institute