We will always remember our mentor

We, students studying in the People's Republic of China, express our condolences to the relatives and the staff of the institute at the passing of a dear person, the rector of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, the chairman of the Republican Council of Higher Education, Doctor of Economics, Professor Umurzakov Uktam Pardaevich.

We will always warmly remember our mentor. We will never forget the days when Uktam Pardaevich came to China from another city to meet and talk with us. Uktam Pardaevich was always interested in our achievements, supported us. All of this increased our self-confidence. We successfully completed our master's degree, entered the doctoral program at Hohai University, which we graduated from. We always associate these achievements with the support of our mentor.

Umurzakov Uktam Pardaevich is no longer with us. A wonderful, wise, bright, truly intelligent person. But his richest scientific heritage remains through the students who will continue the work of their mentor.

Press service of TIIAME