The girl accepted by the state grant takes No.1 STUDENT CERTIFICATE

Имтиёз асосида ўқишга кирган қизга 01 рақамли талабалик гувоҳномаси топширилди

It is no secret that at the initiative of the President, it was introduced the admission procedure to higher education institutions on the basis of additional state grants for women.

This year, many women in our country, who received a recommendation to participate in the competition for women, are very happy to become a student using this opportunity. One of the broad opportunities provided for the social protection of women in our country, their place in life and society, was the allocation of an additional state grant in the amount of 4% of the grant places for women in higher education institutions in 2020/2021 academic year.

Ruzimurat Choriev, vice-rector of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, and Rashid Khakimov, dean of the faculty of "Organization and Management of water resources" visited Zilola Rakhimova who luckily became a student of the same faculty, economics department. 


We congratulate Zilola Rakhimova, who succeeded to become a student, taking advantage of the additional admission quotas for women allocated by the President. She was awarded a letter of appreciation and No.1 student certificate signed and stamped by the rector of the institute.

“I applied to study last year as well,” Zilola said. - But I could not study because it was hard to study on a contract fee basis. I am lucky that this year I am able to study on the state grant basis, thanks to the privileges and recommendations given by our President. I am grateful to our President and I will strive to fully justify his trust.


We are positive that the self confidence and pursuit of education and 
 excellent grades of girls like Zilola, will be a worthy output to the opportunity and privilege created by the head of our state.

Head of the press service of the Institute