Attention to Bachelour or Master students of TIIAME interested in collaborating in tandem with SUSADICA project's PhDs!

Attention to Bachelour or Master students of TIIAME interested in collaborating in tandem with SUSADICA project's PhDs!

  1. If you want to be involved in research and learn about various methods and approches through actual participation;
  2. If you want get first hands information about studyng, living in Germany and what is it like being a PhD from your tandem research partner;
  3. if you want to jointly write up on an intereting topic that could perhaps be part of your Master thesis or even a publication;
  4. if you want to have acces to SUSADICA library and module courses
  5. if.... yes there is much more positive advantages :)

JUST try applying!

Deadline: 20th June