The 18th scientific-practical conference of young researchers, Master’s Degree students and talented students on ‘The Modern Issues of Agriculture and Water Resources’ at TIIAME on March 28-29, 2019

Dear young scientists, masters and students!


We will invite you to the 18th scientific-practical conference of young researchers, Master’s Degree students and talented students on ‘The Modern Issues of Agriculture and Water Resources’ at TIIAME on March 28-29, 2019



The main aim of the conference: to discuss and publicize the results of young scientists, masters, and talented students’ research works to train professionals and to develop stylistic and legal basis in order to solve the modern issues of agriculture and water resources.


The conference will work in the following scientific directions:


The issues of improving meliorative condition of irrigated lands and effective use of water resources

The issues of water resources management, ecology and protecting environment

The issues of Hydrotechnics and Hydroenergetics

The issues of mechanization of agriculture

The issues of mechanization of hydromeliorative works

Using modern energy-saving technologies in the fields of energetics and automation of agriculture and water resources.

The issues of protecting and forming effective use of land resources

The economic problems in water supply, management and marketing

Mathematic modeling in water supply and use of IT

The issues of safety of life activity

Social, pedagogical and moral factors of training competitive professionals in the field of water supply



Deadline : March 18, 2019


The address of organizational committee: 100000 Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek district, Qori Niyoziy st. 39. TIIAME. The department of scientific researches, innovations and training of scientific-pedagogical staff. Tel: 237 19 61, 237 09 46