Constitution is a right way to success

The Constitution is the basic law of the state. It determines the structure of the state, its form of government, the order of formation of state bodies, their powers, the rights, freedoms and duties of the individual. December 8 the 28th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the 4th dormitory of the faculty "Hydromelioration" was organized a round table discussion on "The Constitution - is a right way to success" The event was attended by the head of the department "Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics" A. Arifjanov, associate professor of "Hydrology and Hydrogeology" F. Gapparov and associate professor of "Ecology and Water Resources Management" H. Nazarov and professors.

At the same time, the Constitution addresses issues related to educating our people, especially young people, in the spirit of respect for our national and spiritual values, teaching them to preserve our rich cultural and spiritual heritage. In particular, the principle of the obligation of the people of Uzbekistan to preserve the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage is one of the main duties of the citizens of this country. At the end of the roundtable, it was noted that in the meetings with our youth, it would be expedient to explain in detail the norms of our Constitution.

Press of TIIAME