Human dignity is great, memory is sacred

The main priority is to ensure peace and tranquility in our country, to preserve this blessed blessing as well as to strengthen humanitarian, harmony, harmony and solidarity in the society. Being widely celebrated in Uzbekistan on 9 May as "Day of Remembrance and Honor" on the initiative of the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, since 1999, has been celebrated in our country for the honor and dignity of our ancestors, and for the sacred memory of our compatriots who have died for their lives. On the eve of the solemn event, a group of active students visited the Memory Square and once again honored the memory of our forefathers who died for the sake of tranquility during World War II.

The information of Orynbek Ruzimayev, deputy dean for youth work

The press secretary of the Institute, Rakhimboy Jumaniyazov