establishing mutual cooperation with Makhalla
Professorial staff of "hydrology and hydrogeology" department of "hydromelioration" faculty of TIIMSHA. D.Nazarbayev, S.Nurzhanov, N.Akmakov, I.Rozieva, S.Kodirov, K.Eshuvatov, J.Khamrokulov in execution of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № UP-6208 from April 20, 2021, the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education № 202 from April 29, 2021 paid an official visit to the 'Lashkarbegi' Makhalla in Mirzo-ulugbek district.
During the visit to "Lashkarbegi" M.F.Y. there was a meeting with the deputy chairman Zulfiya Rasuli, the number of young people not provided with employment in the mahalla was determined, a list of young people was formed, announcements were distributed in the houses of mahalla about organizing training courses in entrepreneurship for mahalla youth, attracting them to courses "English", "computer literacy" in accordance with the interests of mahalla youth. After that, they went to the homes of the elderly residents of the mahalla and received information about their health status.
In addition, a meeting was organized with several young people and their questions were answered. Teachers of the department also visited the library located on the territory of the mahalla, where they received information about the literature available there, as well as about the use of the library by young people. An agreement was reached on regular communication with the neighborhood.
The press-service of TIAMME.