The start of the 2nd international conference

On October 14, 2021, the second international conference "2nd International Conference on Energics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering", was organized jointly with Krakow University of Technology, Karabuk State University, Forestry Research Institute, Gulistan State University, was opened at the Institute's Palace of Culture. The main goal of the conference is to discuss topical issues in the field of energy, construction, and agriculture, a joint study of new technologies and scientific discoveries, unite scientists, researchers, engineers, students, and specialists in various fields, strengthen cooperation with prestigious foreign universities in the preparation of highly qualified and competitive specialists. In addition, scientific articles of the conference will be published in prestigious scientific and technical journals included in the list of international databases Scopus and Web of Science.

The conference was opened by the first vice-rector of the institute prof. Mirzaev B.S. He wished all the participants good luck in their further research work. In addition, Professor of Aalborg University, Denmark, Josep M. Guerrero, Director of the Institute of Advanced Research in Virginia, USA Saifur Rahman, and Professor of the Illinois Institute of Technology of the USA Mohammad Shahidehpur were invited to the opening ceremony as guests of honor. The opening ceremony of the conference was covered live in the media.

Press service of TIIAME