Effective use of SCIVAL ANALITIC system

The SciVal analytical system, one of the products of the Dutch Elsevier, is aimed at analyzing the results of scientific research, making scientific findings in the existing system of higher education institutions and ITMs accessible to the knowledge and effective use of them. On May 2, 2011, within the framework of the Science 2020 project signed between the Elsevier College of the Netherlands and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Elsevier in Central Asia Director-General Aliya Ospanova organized a seminar-training on effective use of SciVal analytical system.

The main purpose of the seminar-training is to provide systematic organization of their scientific works by professors, teachers, doctoral students and masters of TIIAME, and publish their results in international advanced databases. 

  Initially, Aliya Ospanova briefly reported on SciVal's effective use of the analytical system and highlighted the participants' ability to use the system to access the Web site. One of the main advantages of the system is the ability to compare the academic achievements of the university with the fact that it serves as an important factor in the establishment of academic collaborations in some areas with the world's top universities and their researchers.

Additionally, in the international rating journals, the Institute of Continuing Education and Science has published international scientific journals in the journals of the Institute's professors and teachers in the journals of the Scopus database, presenting them on the basis of the requirements of this base and the presence of foreign co-authors, and that it will pave the way for the quotations to be made on articles. Interestingly enough, when Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) published a list of Universities, the use of a collection of research papers on the Scopus magazine in collaboration with the Dutch company Elsevier has led to the interest of the participants in these databases more and more.

Report by G.Goziev

R.Jumaniyozov, the press secretary of the institute