"Actual problems of the development of GeoInformation Systems (GIS) technology and their solutions" invites you to participate in the conference

Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Samarkand State Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers

National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek

Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Karakalpak State University

Obuda University (OU), Hungary

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), Austria

Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany


Dear colleagues!

The Organizing Committee of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on topic: "Actual problems of the development of GeoInformation Systems (GIS) technology and their solutions" invites you to participate in the conference, which will be held on October 22-23, 2019 at the Samarkand State Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute named after Mirzo Ulugbek.

The conference is for professors, teachers, young scientists, PhD students, undergraduates, talented students and specialists in this field with their scientific research and results: presenting inventions and proposals that reflect original ideas with papers relating to the topic of the conference.  

Key themes of the conference are:

  • GIS technologies in educational system and issues of quality improvement of scientific and scientific-pedagogic staff in this area;
  • application of geoinformatics in the sphere of Architecture and Construction;
  • geoinformatics in environmental protection, irrigation, rational use of land and water resources;
  • geoinformatics in geodesy, geology, geophysics, geography, cartography and cadastre system;
  • actual problems of GIS-cartography development;
  • aerospace methods and geoinformatics;
  • geoinformatics in ecology, natural resources and management of minerals;
  • possibilities of application of geoinformatics in other sectors of the economy.

Requirements to scientific papers:

  1. The text of the papers to be submitted should be in Uzbek, Russian or English languages, written in IMRAD structure, with a volume of at least 5 pages (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMRAD).
  2. The abstract should be in Uzbek, Russian and English languages.
  3. Keywords (at least 5 words) should be in Uzbek, Russian and English languages.
  4. It is mandatory to quote all used references and sources.
  5. The text should be in Microsoft Word (doc.) format (Times New Roman, 14 font, 1.5 intervals). The numbering of sources in the text is to be given in accordance with the references to them. Links in the text are indicated in square brackets [p. 1,2]. Images are prepared in color or black and white.
  6. A review of a specialist on a scientific paper should be presented.

            The authors are personally responsible for the reliability of the information provided in the papers. Articles of MSc students and talented students are accepted on the basis of the recommendation of scientific supervisors.

            All papers will be available on the DSinGIS websites. Selected papers of the conference will be published in the scientific-technical journal “Problems of Architecture and Construction.


Deadline for Abstract submission is August 1, 2019,

Deadline for Full Paper submission is September 1, 2019. 


Niyazov V.R. (14 font)

Samarkand State Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Samarkand, Uzbekistan. niyazov_v@gmail.com (12 font)

Abstract: text (12 font)

Keywords: text (12 font)

Main Text: (14 font)

References: (14 font)

  1. Aslanov A.F. Metocartography. Main issues. – Tbilisi.: Mitzniereba, 1974. -125 p. (12 font)
  2. https://ru.woshrnfjg/rettgfds

The papers are going to be published before the beginning of the conference.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse non-compliant papers and papers sent after the deadline. 

For further information, contact the following members of the Organizing Committee:

  1. Niyazov Vokhid, phone: +99897-923-16-08, +99866-234-62-48, e-mail: vohid85-85@mail.ru
  2. Khushvaktov Usmon, phone: +99893-355-19-31, +99366-237-18-47, e-mail: usmon-xx@mail.ru

Address of the organizing committee:

Samarkand State Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute named after Mirzo Ulugbek, 140147, Samarkand, Lolazor Street 70, Department of Scientific personnel training. Telephone: +99366-237-18-47, fax: +99366-237-26-30