Power - is in knowledge and thinking

The intellectual game "ZAKOVAT" was held among the first-year students of the faculty "Hydromelioration". The intellectual game was attended by the dean of the faculty A.Fathulloyev, deputy dean for youth O.Habibullayev and the leader of the faculty youth union A.Hamidov. Open-minded, enlightened people are the real wealth of society. Spirituality, on the other hand, is formed in a person through reading books. 10 teams of first-year students took part in the intellectual game "ZAKOVAT". The purpose of this event is that the book is always a source of knowledge, enlightenment and morality, the intellectual masterpieces of mankind for centuries. According to the results, 1st place: 106th group of the direction "Water management and innovative technologies and their use", 2nd place: 109th group of the direction "Ameliorative hydrology", 3rd place Students of the 103rd group of the direction "Water Management and Land Reclamation".

Press service of TIIAME