A modern, authoritative, prestigious publication
The history of the most developed countries of the world shows that they had a high level of attention to science and education. Because today it is obvious that science and education are important factors of development. Therefore, the printing presses, which determine the level and norms of its development are of great importance. There are a number of such magazines in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The magazine "Zamonaviy taʼlim" (Modern Education) is published by the Tashkent Regional Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education (now the regional center) in cooperation with the Surkhandarya Regional Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of Public Education. Here is his new number 7. A special number dedicated to the Year of Science and the Digital Economy Development and to fulfill its tasks.
This journal is included in the list of scientific publications recommended for publication of the main scientific results of doctoral dissertations by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 20, 2015 No 214/2. It mainly publishes articles on current topics in pedagogy and psychology. It is included in the RINTs database as well as in the SubrLeninka scientific electronic library database.
The first article in the journal was written by Muhayyo Shoumarovna Shoumarova, Professor of TIIAME. The article is entitled: "The structure and current state of engineering-pedagogical education." The article mainly describes the formation and current state of engineering-pedagogical education in the conditions of TIIAME and the educational and scientific activity of the department of "Pedagogy, Psychology and Methods of Teaching" of the institute. It should be noted that the Department of Pedagogical Psychology and Methods of Teaching began the new academic year 2020-2021 with a high level of work. Although it was hard to work as a team during the pandemic, the members of the department participated in the 7th issue of the modern educational, scientific, practical, popular journal with their scientific articles and theoretically justified the scientific and pedagogical process. It is true that TIIAME, which has a special place in the ranking of world universities with its potential, pedagogical activity, and educational techniques, pays great attention to the training of engineering teachers.
The article makes significant remarks on the organization and development of the engineering-pedagogical profession in the education system. In particular, the training of engineers and teachers for vocational education in the Republic of Uzbekistan began in 1972 at the Bukhara Institute of Consumer Industry and Food Technology. It is known that one of the main problems in the development of the system of training of engineers and teachers is the proper relationship between pedagogical and technical training. In this field, a separate department of "Pedagogy, Psychology and Methods of Teaching" began its work in 1982. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences K.D.Mirsaidov, Z.Ismailova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Asamova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor D.Himmataliev and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor M.Baybaeva worked as the head of the department. From 2018 to the present, the head of the department is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Zuhra Kabulovna Ismailova.
The author of the article also mentioned the names of coaches who have made a worthy contribution to the activity of the department. It is noteworthy that since 2001, the department has a basic doctoral program in the theory and methodology of vocational education. We deem it appropriate to note these achievements during the activity. As a result of research work at the department published more than 500 scientific papers, including 10 monographs, 4 textbooks, about 20 teaching aids. A number of articles have also been published in foreign scientific journals VOS and SCOPUS. The results of fruitful work and cooperation can be seen in the two winners of presidential scholarships under the guidance of professors and teachers of the department, two winners of the Olympiad in pedagogical vocational education and several well-known scholarship holders.
The Retraining course of School of Pedagogical Skills has been opened in 2006 and still operating taking into account the fact that each teacher organizes lessons on the basis of pedagogical and information and communication technologies related to professional development, knowledge consolidation and the teaching process. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 6, 2019 PF 5812 "On additional measures to further improve the system of vocational education" The article also acknowledges that much attention is paid to the training of qualified and competitive personnel for the market.
The journal also includes "The use of management skills in improving the pedagogical skills and pedagogical techniques of modern teachers" (Professor Z.K. Ismoilova), "Mechanism for the development of professional competence in future teachers" (D.O. Khimmataliev), "Development of professional competence of teachers of higher education" (D.A. . Mustafoeva) "Training of teachers for the professional education system: problems and suggestions" (P.M. Makhsudov), "Technologies for the development of professional competence of managers and teachers in an integrated information and educational environment" (Associate Professor R.K.Choriev), "The use of network interactive teaching aids in higher education"(X.E.To'ychiev) a number of topical articles which will serve to further enhance the prestige of this prestigious and modern publication. The collection of scientific and theoretical views of the teaching staff as analytical articles will serve the development of the field, as well as lay the foundation for the harmonization of science, education, practice and production, as well as interdisciplinary integration.
TIIAME press service