The "Learning plus introduction" practice began its activity

According to the resolution No. PP-3003 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 24, 2017 "On measures on radical improvement of training of engineering and technical personnel system for agriculture"and to ensure the implementation of the Resolutions No. PQ-3702 dated May 8, 2018 "On measures to radically improve the system of training highly educated personnel at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"and 5410500 "Technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products" (by type of product) there began the internship on June 7.

The internship program for students is planned to be held in "Tractors and cars" department labaroty of TIIAME from June 7 to June 19 of this year, as well as in "Magic DAR Alliance" LLC, "Samo Produkt" LLC, "Milk House" JV LLC. It is also planned to hold with the participation of foreign investment in the joint-stock company "TASHKENTVINO KOMBINATI", GDF "Agroholding". Up to date, the students have been on internship at the laboratory of Tractors and Cars department" TIIAME and JSC "TASHKENTVINO KOMBINATI" with foreign investment. The practice goes on.

 Deputy Dean of "working witk young people" K.Usmonov

Press service of TIIAME