The International Olympiad is a foundation for educational cooperation.

On April 9, 2021 at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers the national stage of the International Olympiad "Sustainable Development Goals" among students of higher education institutions started. Prof. Umurzakov U.P., Rector of TIIAME, explained the purpose and significance of the Olympiad.

The opening ceremony was also attended by Barbara Janusz-Pawletta, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the Kazakh-German University, Vadim Sokolov, head of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, Dinara Azhigalieva from the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and Guljamal Nurmukham from the Global Water Partnership (GWP). They wished good luck and success to participants of the International Olympiad.

The first stage of the Olympiad was held in the form of an online test, and the results of the first stage were announced on the same day. The winners went on to the second round of the Olympiad. Representatives of 15 higher educational institutions of the country took part in the International Student Olympiad.

The International Olympiad will last another 2 days. In the coming days of the Olympics it is planned to organize visits of participants to special water objects and the second stage of the Olympics.

The press service of TIIAME