Students are in a public speaking club

Three concepts do not choose time or space. These are speaking, listening and understanding. Humankind created to follow these three units in the course of their relationship. The manifestation of this is consistent with the mentality of each nation. Relationships, behaviour in communication, and exchange of ideas aligned with the concept of communication culture. Concepts, references, dialogues, discussions, debates, discussions, discussions are all adornments appropriate to the welfare of a particular nation and governed by ethical and aesthetic norms and rules. The dialogue is partly monologic, mostly dialogic and polylogic. It takes place in the relationship of two or more people. As the world built under the laws of beauty, it is desirable that human behaviour and speech, appearance and dress, and attitude and communication be beautiful. It is not by chance that our people say, "They wait for you, they will watch you." Even when he says, "The wound of word not healed, the wound of edge healed," it is easy to feel the need for attention.

If the culture of communication is an integral part of a person's spirituality, the concepts of behaviour, ethics, and speech activity are at the heart of it. It is natural that traditions, behaviour, and lifestyle are unique in the personality of people, whose national and spiritual values ​​are the symbol of high culture. All of this shows the need to master the culture of speaking and the art of speaking. It is also important that our efforts on implementing the first of five initiatives put forward by the President. The first lesson of the art of discontinuity held today with the participation of talented students of TIEC and youth leaders. The movement, which started at the suggestion of our rector, answered with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Their breadth of interest, their ability to master leadership skills were noteworthy.

People who are well educated and have a high spirituality can be examples in many cultures. Kindness, modesty, meekness, gentleness, and modesty have added to their beauty and prestige. Alisher Navoi in the book "Mahbub ul-kulub" did not justifiably say, "There is no sadness in vain, no vain in sadness." Unreasonableness and ignorance make a person mad and crazy. In the Oriental literature, where to go, how to ask, where to sit, how to speak, who to talk to is often referred to as a culture of communication. Sadie Sherozi rightly points out that "Swallow with a sweet word is an enemy's coat, a friend with harsh words."

Head of the press service R. Djumaniyazov