In the International Youth Reform Forum

A group of 25 members of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers participated in the International Youth Reform Forum (Khorezm 2020) in Urgench and Khiva, Khorezm region on January 4-5-6. Talented, active members of the youth union took part in the event, despite the fact that the students are united and become the largest educational institution in the Republic, it is a great opportunity for the head of the institute.  Support of the Forum they  try to organize good conditions. Speaker of the students in their chosen areas of information and new ideas.

This International Forum was held in 7 directions:

1.Deutschtage (German)

2. English Days (English)

3. Leading Leader (English)

4. Innovation in education (Uzbek)

5. Tourism and IT (English)

6. Media and Journalism (Uzbek)

7. Ecology and Economics (Uzbek)

The purpose of the International Forum is to attract young people to innovation and create a real environment for new projects. For young activists who are still trying to find new ideas, the "International Youth Reform Forum - 2020" has covered all regions, not only the regions, but also international students. The young people had the opportunity to promote their projects and ideas in their country and internationally. Students of our Institute have come and were lucky to have such good intentions as friendship, solidarity, joining active youth, making new friends, bringing new information and reaching the top. The best delegate of the faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Sayfullo Kadyrov took the first place and Shokir Sharipov took the 1st place in the best article and awarded a special statuette and a certificate. Most importantly, the team of our institute led the Tashkent team, took the first place among the participants and won the Forum Cup. Special Cup delivered to the Institute. It agreed to host the next Forum in Tashkent. Of course, this may seem like a simple undertaking at first glance, but these 25 of our students went to Khorezm, renamed the Institute, and returned with great success. This is a deserving result. We thank all our students.

Outcomes :

1) Being a team on a safe train, strengthening the conversation and further friendship on the road;

2) QR code certificate;

3) Recommendation from the Director of the Forum;

4) New Year's Eve party with Khorezm region stars;

5) A 300 delegates, including 260 friends from Uzbekistan, 40 from the CIS, and important friends;

6) Gifts for each Forum Participant with a handbag, a notebook, a pen, a trip to the Khorezm region;

7) Khorezm national cuisine and coffee for 3 days;

8) Participation in the Euroasia social and cultural party;

9) Participation in the Talent Show;

All participants were provided with a hostel. Frankly speaking, students from the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers were active among all the participants, even acknowledged by the regional governor.

Information from the Council of the Youth Union of the Faculty of Education

Head of the Press Service of the Institute Rakhimboy Djumaniyazov