Stage 1 practice completed

The faculty "Energy supply of agriculture and water management" TIIAME direction education 5430500 "Energy supply of agriculture and water management. Places of educational practice: Tashkent TPP, Bozsuvskaya HPP, “Hydroponics Center” at the Tashkent State Agrarian University, AO BMK - Agromash, AO “Elektrkishlokkurilish” Tuyabgiz HPP

The time of practice is from June 24 to July 6, 2019. The objects of practice fully provide students with an idea of their future specialty. Practical skills, knowledge and preliminary experience in a future specialty will appear in students. Students received complete information on the systems of production, distribution and use of electricity in various sectors of the agriculture and water sector, as well as an understanding of the need for efficient use of electricity.