It's a great happiness!

On January 25, 2019, the Vice-rector for Youth Affairs Q.Shavazov, the Chairman of the Trade Union Committee F.Irisov, the psychologist Yu.Narmetova will present the Strategy of Action on the five priorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 at the "Year of Active Investments and Social Development" a roundtable titled "Youth - the Future of the Creator" was held on the implementation of the State Program on Implementation. A number of psychiatrists and social workers from the Republican Social Initiatives Center participated in it and psychologist trainings were conducted by experienced psychologists. The roundtable was attended by students from socially vulnerable groups, orphans and poor students. In the course of the conversation, the opinions and considerations of the Institute for the development of the "Social Development" program were heard. Active students and guests were presented with gifts from the Trade Union.