Cooperation with "Mustaqillik" makhalla.

On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 12, 2020 No. PP-3268 "On additional measures to support the low-income social groups" there were approved targeted programs to support youth of "Mustakillik" makhalla at the institute. Professors and teachers of our institute periodically visit the "Mustakillik" makhalla of Mirzo-Ulugbek region to support families with children under 14 and low-income families.

On 4th of June  professors had a conversation with low-income young people in the neighborhood who were enrolled in "Temir daftar" and gave them gifts. In particular, they talked to and gave presents to Razgon Igor Maksimovich, who live in house 7,  apartment 39 in Aloy district, and Avenesova Karina Sergeevna, a single woman having no one to maintain, from house 12 and apartment 36 in Aloy district.

Press service of TIIAME