The importance of the glaciers in the assessment of climate change
Most Central Asian rivers are filled with snow and ice water. The minor changes in glaciers today have a direct impact on the ongoing shortage of water in a future....
11.10.2018 2941
Vacuum and semiconductor devices
It is a field of science that studies and uses the conductivity of electromagnetic fields in elementary charged particles in electronics, gas, vacuum and solid bodies. Today it is difficult to imagine our live without this field...
11.10.2018 2691
Student obligations and pedagogical responsibility
It is known that the education system and management will be in their place if both are appropriate. Rakhimboy Jumaniyozov, a spokesman for the institute,
10.10.2018 2953
In the exhibition hall
Monitoring success and building partnerships based on shared results are mutually beneficial for countries.
10.10.2018 2590
“DSinGIS” project became the winner in the Fair of "Erasmus + Info Day"
If the results of the action end in victory, then it pleases the person. In fact, victory and attention is an important factor for the development of science in the country.....
09.10.2018 3170